
BC First Aid CPR is a family business based in south Texas. Our instructors, Dallas and Dana, are married and have two children, Brydien and Cristof. We wanted to bring the love we have for our children and family to our community by being a resource for first aid and CPR training. That’s where the “B” and “C” come from in our name!

Dallas is our lead instructor. He has been an EMT (Emergency Medical Technician) since 2001 and Paramedic since 2021. Currently works for a local 911 ambulance service and for a private ambulance service. American Red Cross instructor from 1999-2010. Currently an American Heart Association and American Safety & Health Institute instructor since 2019. Dallas is also a recruiter and medic in the Texas State Guard.

Dana is an American Safety & Health Institute instructor. She became an EMT and Firefighter in 2007 and an instructor in 2019. She currently works for HEB, works for a local private ambulance service, and also attending Del Mar College working towards a Registered Nursing degree.